発表方法 指定なし 学会発表・シンポジウム 論文 雑誌・専門誌 発表年 指定なし 2013 2014 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 キーワード検索 Density regulation of aquaculture production and its effects on commercial profit and quality as food in the cosmopolitan edible seaweed Undaria pinnatifidaaquaculture production, commercial profit, Density regulation, quality as food, Undaria pinnatifida The empirical evidence for the social-ecological impacts of seaweed farmingseaweed farming, social-ecological impacts Isolation method of marine red alga Agardhiella subulataAgardhiella subulata, RIKEN Inconsistency between morphological diversity and genetic structuring: proposal for one species of Undaria in Japangenetic structuring, morphological diversity, Undaria pinnatifida Nutrient uptake characteristics of Cladosiphon okamuranus (Phaeophyceae) from the Ryukyu Islands of JapanCladosiphon okamuranus, Nutrient uptake characteristics 三陸における海藻の陸上養殖生産〜基盤研究成果を事業化へ〜三陸, 陸上養殖 海藻産業の持続的発展を目指した技術開発技術士会, 技術開発, 海藻産業 陸で海藻を育てるー海藻類陸上養殖の現状と展望ー陸上養殖 陸前高田市で大規模スジアオノリ陸上養殖施設「陸前高田ベース」始動スジアオノリ, 陸上養殖, 陸前高田 Gonad traits in the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus fed on the kelp Eisenia bicyclis: Gametogenesis promotion and lack of sea urchin-like tasteアラメ, キタムラサキウニ, 品質, 生殖巣 緑藻アオノリ類の陸上養殖による周年生産の実現とCO2固定量の算出CO2固定, アオノリ, 陸上養殖 オキナワモズクの発芽条件と栄養塩吸収特性オキナワモズク, 栄養塩吸収, 発芽 「奇跡の一本松」の麓で青のり陸上養殖~陸前高田ベース始動~アオノリ, 陸上養殖, 陸前高田 震災から10年、三陸における海藻産業の現状と課題三陸, 海藻産業, 震災 Extending the cultivation period of Undaria pinnatifida by using regional strains with phenotypic differentiation along the Sanriku Coast in Northern Japan.Undaria pinnatifida, ワカメ, 栄養塩吸収, 養殖試験 Screening for high-growth mutants in sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida using heavy-ion beam irradiation.Undaria pinnatifida, ワカメ, 変異体, 配偶体, 重イオンビーム ← 前へ 1 2 3 4 次へ →
Density regulation of aquaculture production and its effects on commercial profit and quality as food in the cosmopolitan edible seaweed Undaria pinnatifidaaquaculture production, commercial profit, Density regulation, quality as food, Undaria pinnatifida
The empirical evidence for the social-ecological impacts of seaweed farmingseaweed farming, social-ecological impacts
Inconsistency between morphological diversity and genetic structuring: proposal for one species of Undaria in Japangenetic structuring, morphological diversity, Undaria pinnatifida
Nutrient uptake characteristics of Cladosiphon okamuranus (Phaeophyceae) from the Ryukyu Islands of JapanCladosiphon okamuranus, Nutrient uptake characteristics
Gonad traits in the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus fed on the kelp Eisenia bicyclis: Gametogenesis promotion and lack of sea urchin-like tasteアラメ, キタムラサキウニ, 品質, 生殖巣
Extending the cultivation period of Undaria pinnatifida by using regional strains with phenotypic differentiation along the Sanriku Coast in Northern Japan.Undaria pinnatifida, ワカメ, 栄養塩吸収, 養殖試験
Screening for high-growth mutants in sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida using heavy-ion beam irradiation.Undaria pinnatifida, ワカメ, 変異体, 配偶体, 重イオンビーム